I don't think it is wise to put that kind of money into a 5 year old laptop.
I cannot complain. This laptop has served very well.

It didn't catch fire like some other Dell's did.
But I was given a new battery by Dell.
It did survive an attack by a Fa-La-La-La Latte.
It traveled across most of the USA including Alaska.
It helped me keep up with blogging and emails while in Vietnam.
So................ What kind of replacement should I get?

Several have already suggested I join the Macbook generation.
Recommendations and donations now being accepted.

I definitely think Apple will satisfy your computer hunger! LOL!
apple. all the way. my toshiba lappy has served me 4 years now. a month ago i had to send it in for a repair on the speakers, and now i think i'm going to sell it (maybe to my brother?). then i will get a macbook. i think you can get a free printer right now if you buy a macbook (after rebate).
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