It was a wonderful Father's Day.
The only thing that would have made it any better would to have been able to have had the whole family here. But even though we may be several miles apart, we are TOGETHER!
Joy and Jill fixed a fabulous meal - prime rib, broccoli casserole, 3 bean salad, fruit salad, meringue dessert with fresh fruit compote.... YUMMY!!!!!
My family gave me this willow tree in 2000. It had about a 1 1/2" diameter trunk when I planted it. (I just remembered that when I dug the hole to plant it, the very first shovel full, I "NAILED" the cable TV line - out of about 300 feet across the back yard, what are the chances of that!?). Anyway, the tree has flourished. Willows are one of my favorites.

Joy was checking out a bird's nest up in the tree.

We looked at some houses for sale in Naperville.

One of our wonderful traditions is a trip to Caribou on these holidays.

And as I bring this post to a close, I want to remind you that the sun is setting over Joliet. The time is late and we must work.... oops, I slipped into a missionary mode there.
Great cloud formation. Look at those two holes in the cloud.

Sounds like a perfect day, Dad! Happy Father's Day, again. I love you and wish that we could all celebrate together. Great pictures!
It was great talking with you today.
Thanks for the Father's Day call.
Mom and I are very proud of you.
Happy Father's Day, Earl! You are an amazing father. You are leaving a wonderful legacy! I'm so glad that my children are blessed because of the father that you are to your son and the grandfather you are to them. We love you and honor you. Happy Father's Day!
Thank you for your kind comments Glenda. I am blessed to have a daughter-in-law like you. You're the best. I loved what the kids said today. That was so sweet.
I am happy you had a nice Fathers Day and had great company and food, it doesn't get any better than that :-)
When I was young we had a willow tree in our back yard and we all loveds to clime it. That tree of yours brought back good memories.
I am happy to see that you didn't drop Joy!
Happy belated Fathers Day.
happy VERY LATE father's day! it sounds like it was a great day with your family. i absolutely LOVE that picture of joy in the tree! :) and that willow tree is huge now! beautiful!
Those pictures are SO pretty! Guess what? My fish, Jack, died today.:( Also, today my mom left for basic training. It's the 18th of June. But, I'm not suprised the he died, because I have had him for 9 months!!
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