Happy Birthday to my wonderful wife today!

I have been married to this wonderful lady for 38 years this coming September.
I was impressed in 1969 when I first met her and I am much more impressed now.
She is a gifted concert pianist.
She is passionate about her faith. A woman of prayer and devoted Christ follower.
She is an accomplished (published) author.
She is a talented home designer - I would prefer to call her an architect. I have seen her work and she is better than some professionals.

She has designed four homes we have built and has been working on number five!
She loves and respects her family.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY JOY! I look forward to OUR future together!
Woo Hoo! Happy Birthday, Joy! I agree with you, Earl! Joy is amazing, inspirational, talented, loving & on & on. Soooooo glad we get to celebrate her together!
Yep, she is all you say she is and probably more. She is Pretty! YOU are a blessed man to have such a fine wife See life is good becaused on this day you are the ONE who gets the gift. Enjoy
happy birthday joy! earl, you really did pick a great one! :)
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