I am in the process of reading several books by Dr. Sam Chand. I have found the reading encouraging. Especially after saying "goodbye to 2007".
I attended one of his training sessions at our recent A/G General Council in
Check out his website www.samchand.com.
Chand refers to himself as a Dream Releaser and his work as a Leadership Architect and Change Stragetist.
In his book, Ladder Shifts, he shares Ten Tools for Gaining New Perspective.
- Ask yourself the Peter Drucker questions:
- What is our mission?
- Who is our customer?
- What does our customer value?
- What is our plan?
- What are our results?
- Examine and clarify what you offer. Your product is whatever you offer people.
- Offer who you are.
- Recertify yourself each year. Change is always necessary.
- Commit to a personal development plan (PDP).
- Focus on personal disciplines.
· Reading widely
· Growing intentionally
- Remember that the learners beat the learned.
“In times of change, learners inherit the earth, while the learned find themselves beautifully equipped to deal with a world that no longer exists.” (Eric Hoffer)
Someone with a Ph.D. who has not continued growing is learned. A person with a GED who is a learner, who continues growing and developing, can outdistance that Ph.D…. if I don’t keep up with my field, I’m learned. Unless I’m an active learner, it’s just a degree that looks good on my resume.
- Be content to be “a work in progress.” I’m not where I was yesterday; I’m not where I’m going to be tomorrow. I’m in progress.
- Remember, it’s not the destination; it’s the journey.
10. Ask yourself three questions at the end of every day:
· What did I learn today? What spoke to your heart and your head?
· How did I grow today? What touched your heart and affected your actions.
· What will I do differently?
Gaining new perspectives is not something that’s just going to happen to you; they won’t fall out of the sky. You have to make it happen by creating the right conditions and putting yourself in situations that will lead to growth. By regularly working with these tools, you’ll put yourself on the right road – the road to new perspectives.
Thanks Dr. Chand. Thanks for writing a great book.
How is your ladder?
Thank you for inspiring me today. I will absolutely look for this book. I have always believed I am a learner and I try to surround myself with others of the same mindset.
I wonder how my view of the world would change by asking myself those 3 questions at the end of the day. Well, I'll let you know as I begin my new journey through 2008. Here's to a happy and healthy 2008!
those are some awesome guidelines to live by. gaining new perspectives is such a process!
...relating to that, the past few times i've taken the train to school i have decided to sit on the second floor of the train instead of the first floor. and at first it felt like a whole new world up there! looking out the window was different, the sounds were different, and the people were different! it's amazing what a 15-foot change in my perspective did for me on my train ride home! (not to mention, on that specific train ride home, i was thinking about my perspective on life and in my relationship with God. What a small world!)
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